Tulsa, Oklahoma

GH2 designed the concept for Holland Hall School’s new Health and Wellness facility. The existing campus master plan identified two buildings: an athletic facility and a separate refectory to be located on the new quadrangle at the heart of the campus. GH2’s assignment was to design one building combining both functions. GH2 designed a 78,000 square foot Health and Wellness Center that will transform the campus and the way Middle and Upper School students interact. The building and quad have been planned to encourage healthy lifestyles for students, faculty, staff and parents of Holland Hall.

Primary functions included within the facility are: community and student center areas; dining and kitchen for up to 600 people; cardio, strength and conditioning areas; video viewing rooms, coaches offices and support spaces; meeting rooms; spirit store; hall of fame; men’s and women’s locker rooms; boys and girls locker rooms; treatment and equipment areas; alumni lounge; press box space; and concessions.

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